Thursday, July 5, 2012



The nation of Fiore is known for it's amazing guilds. Fairy Tail, Lamia Scale, Blue Pegasus, all fantastic yet mysterious guilds that deserve the high praise they have received. Amidst the numerous guilds in the nation, however, one remains a mystery...


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I have a few quick questions. Are we all supposed to make Celestial Spirit Mages only? Or can we create our own assorted types? Also, what are the limitations on magic? i.e. Can we have two kinds like Fire and Water simultaneously? And how does Dragon/God Slayer Magic work if applicable?


The G, Gilbert Ignatio Leonhardt ^-^

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So basically a Celestial Spire mage is decended from the Celestial spirits right? The mage doesn't actually have to be a Celestial mage?

May I reserve a character? I would love to be part of this roleplay and I will get a character up as soon by the end of the day.

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I'd like to reserve a character, but I'll look at everyone else's first when they are submitted, since the character sheet kinda confuses me (everything confuses me, so it's not personal XD)

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Woah, I haven't seen Lipsum used in... a long time. Hey, for people who may be wondering what the text is in the Character Sheet, it's simply placeholder. It's referred to as Lipsum and is simply set as placeholder for your future text. I'm not sure why Parallel used it, but it might be an example of the length she wants for each section? I'm not sure, don't quote me on that. Anyways...

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