Sunday, July 29, 2012

How You Can Lose Fat And Gain Muscle ? Weight Loss For Men ...


Everything you know about weight loss and building muscle is wrong! The average person gets their fitness and health information from the media or worse yet, the FDA. Unfortunately, both of these entities have agendas that are in direct conflict with providing you and me with sound advice when it comes to our health and well-being. One of the prevailing myths is that you can?t lose fat and gain muscle at the same time.

Listen to the so called experts and they will tell you that if you are eating to lose weight then you are not providing your body with enough calories to build muscle. These same experts will also have you believe that if you are taking in enough calories to pack on muscle then you are also going to be packing on unwanted body fat as well. In a nutshell, the experts will have you believe that losing fat and gaining muscle can only be accomplished individually. Most nutrition plans and workout programs do fail miserably when it comes to losing fat and gaining muscle at the same time. The reasons for this are many but generally these plans fail in two main areas:

1. Most plans have you eating the wrong foods at the wrong time 2. Most programs are built heavily around hours of slow cardio work.

eating the proper foods and the timing of when you eat is a critical element that is going to make or break any program designed to lose weight and gain muscle. Equally as important as nutrition is the type of workout program that you utilize. While hours of mind numbing slow cardio work will help you shed pounds, much of the weight you will be losing will be lean muscle. A more effective approach is to use a combination of sprints and interval training.

Yes, you can lose fat and gain muscle. However, you must have both your nutrition and workout plans dialed in. Neglect either one of these areas and you will find that your progress will be much slower that you would like. Dial both of these areas in and watch the weight fly off and the muscle get packed on!

Click Here Now [] to find the best program to lose fat and gain muscle on the net.

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