Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Video: Are the attacks on Romney?s tenure at Bain working?

>>> despite some big voices on the left telling the president to lay off the attacks on romney 's record at bain capital , it looks like they're working. our latest nbc news " wall street journal " poll shows that 33% of those surveyed in swing states , a third of folks in swing states have negative opinions about mitt romney 's business background compared to just 18% who have positive opinions. and it's not only this poll, the "new york times" writes, "obama commercial painting romney as a ruthless executive who pursued profits at the expense of jobs" are starting to make impact on undecided voters . according to strategists from both sides. joining me now the political correspondent for the "new york times," jim , good afternoon to you.

>> good afternoon.

>> "the times" says the attacks on boehner making inroads for the president and so far no sign of the campaign letting up. here's vice president joe biden expanding the bain narrative last week. take a listen.

>> here's the bottom line, folks. bain and their companies, they made a great deal of money facilitating this outsourcing and offshoring american jobs . so of you got to give mitt romney credit. he's a job creator. in singapore, china, india. he's been very good at creating jobs overseas.

>> is there any reason for the president to let up on these attacks now?

>> it's funny because that very sound bite kind of contains some of the risk here for the president. because basically a lot of independent fact checkers have said the obama campaign and the super pac priorities, usa action helping him in this have kind of gone too far and been unfair in the way they're categorizing some of this. but on the other hand, it seems to be working in some of these polls.

>> which types of voters specifically do these ads seem to be working with in the swing states ?

>> well, i'll tell you, there's only one sort of voter that both campaigns care about. and that's the voter who voted for president obama last time and isn't sure this time.

>> romney campaign now pushing back against the president. using old footage of hillary clinton during the brutal 2008 primary, as well. take a look at this.

>> barack obama 's attacks against mitt romney , they're just not true. "the washington post " says on just about every level, this ad is misleading, unfair, and untrue. but that's barack obama , he also attacked hillary clinton with vicious lies.

>> he continued to spend millions of dollars perpetuating falsehoods. so shame on you, barack obama .

>> seems like just yesterday, doesn't it, jim ? the romney campaign they're trying to show the president just another politician not the perhaps transformational figure that so many voters saw four years ago. do you think this is going to be an effective strategy for team romney ?

>> it depends on how much president obama walked into it. every attack works if it reinforces something people already think about certain politicians. so if the obama team starts getting called out a lot for falsehoods or pushing things too far, they could be vulnerable. that said, that ad was a defensive ad. and one of the few times we've seen the romney campaign feeling it's been forced off its message to address an attack. that tells you that they are aware that something's going on here, as well.

>> it's also interesting because we saw the ad there with hillary clinton . bill clinton in the past has said some things that could probably be used in a campaign ad against the president. you've got to wonder at what point or do we see ads from team romney including the former president?

>> we have been told that is certainly under consideration if not even -- who knows, i wouldn't be surprised if some of them are sitting in a file somewhere.

>> jim , thank you.

>> thank you.

Source: http://video.msnbc.msn.com/newsnation/48048022/

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