Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Why to choose dedicated server for your website | Computers and ...

Internet and Technology | Computers and Technology | * Written by Jason john | Monday, 30 July 2012 00:32 | Word Count: 502

The standard of life of people has increased in a rapid rate by the increase of technology. Marketing has now evolved as e marketing and commerce as e commerce. Almost everyone who runs a business now has website. If you have a website it is inevitable having a hosting service. There are different types of hosting services according to your needs.? The type of webhosting service is decided by the traffic and contents of the website. The best hosting plan available is the dedicated hosting service. Dedicated hosting plans are suitable for all websites.? A dedicated server is available to the customer if one is opting dedicated hosting service.

One of the main advantages of choosing a dedicated server is the availability of multiple domains. If you are running an online business then selecting the dedicated hosting service will be a smarter option as you have to register many websites. The configuration of the server can be decided by the user in the case of a dedicated server. Dedicated server offers more reliability and high performance and hence they are the favorites in the cyber world.

If we are having a single server for all our websites the management will be easier. In the case of a dedicated server there will not be a restriction for data transfer rate or data storage. Dedicated hosting shows high rate in the case of filtering of spam. The difference will be noticeable in a few days. The customer service in the case of a dedicated hosting service will be much better when compared to other hosting services.

Reseller hosting can be done if you are choosing a dedicated server. You can sell the cyber space to other companies. This method is used by many companies as a way to increase the profit. If you are a blogger getting more than 20,000 visitors per day changing to dedicated hosting service is essential. As the traffic increases, servers with more bandwidth as required and hence dedicated servers can be said as the most apt choice.

One of the main factors while we have to consider while maintaining a website is the security. In the case of shared hosting all websites will be sharing a particular server space and all will have the same IP address. Let me explain the problem of having same IP address for different websites. If one of the websites sharing your IP address is banned or shut down it also affects your website and can affect the credibility of your online business.

So after reading all these points I guess you understood that getting a dedicated service will be the smarter option. although if you are a starter don?t go for dedicated hosting services all of a sudden , dedicated hosting services are for those who are in the business for quit of long time.

Choose the best dedicated server india and Windows reseller hosting india.

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Author of this article: Jason john.

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Jason john joined FAFY - Free Article For You on Monday, 07 February 2011.

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Source: http://www.freearticleforyou.com/Internet-and-Technology/Computers-and-Technology/why-to-choose-dedicated-server-for-your-website.html

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