Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Adoption Costs Got You Down? Some Helpful Thoughts | Portrait of ...

Many-- if not most--prospective adoptive parents are intimidated by the costs of adopting a child.? For some hopeful parents, the prospect of paying thousands of dollars is enough to prevent them from pursuing adoption, and this is a tragedy, both for the parents who long for a child and for the child who needs a home.

One possibility to consider is going through your state?s foster-to-adopt program.? I know adoptive parents who have not had to pay ANY fees, because they adopted through the foster care system.? Granted, it is not an easy process, but neither is adopting an infant through private domestic adoption or international adoption.

Our own baby, Katie, spent several months unexpectedly in foster care as we went through the very complicated foster care system, and we have lived to tell the tale, although at the time, it was indeed fraught with uncertainty and anxiety.? (Is that so different from any pregnancy?? Certainly not in our case).

If foster-to-adopt is not for you, another possibility to consider when facing overwhelming adoption costs is to enlist the support of your friends and family.? One of my readers, Cairenn Binder, recently wrote to tell me about a cool way that adoptive parents can involve others in their fundraising efforts.

There is a company called Just Love Coffee that was started by adoptive parents who were looking for a good fundraising model.? You create a storefront and share it with everyone you know.? When people purchase the fair trade, organic coffees, a portion of the proceeds will go to your adoption fund.? For an example of how your page might look, check out the Binder Adoption Fund page.

Maybe you could get some groups in your community to spread the word if you decide to try this.? Tell your church or your temple about your plans, and see if they can help you.? We are all in this together, trying to match children in need of a home with parents in need of children.? You all play a part, whether in passing along a fundraising tip or offering a word about supportive social services, sharing a story or offering your good wishes.

Thanks to all of you who have made Portrait of an Adoption a part of your lives!

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Source: http://www.chicagonow.com/portrait-of-an-adoption/2012/07/adoption-costs-got-you-down-some-helpful-thoughts/

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