Monday, September 24, 2012

Effective Home Remedies with Cold Medicines | Bodybuilding ...

Common cold is a highly contagious infection caused by common cold viruses. It is an ailment that affects the upper respiratory tract of a person. It is important that the disease is treated right away to prevent the infection spreading to the individuals around the patient.
The causes of common cold are viral infection, sneezing (person to person), menstrual cycles, dust and other irritating inhalations, weakened immune system, sudden change in weather, smoking, stress, fatigue, or nutritional deficiencies.
The usual symptoms of common cold are:

Frequent sneezing
Continuous watery discharge from the nose
Chest congestion
Irritation of the throat
Dry cough
Mild fever
Loss of appetite

Here are a few cost effective natural home remedies for treating the common cold:
You must sniff crushed and heated carom or bishop?s weed tied in a piece of cloth daily to decongest the chest and get immense relief.
You must drink tea prepared with pepper powder and a pinch of turmeric.

You must consume a mix of equal amounts of cinnamon oil and honey daily to help reduce sore throat problems.
You must do steam inhalation with a few drops of eucalyptus oil added to the water at least twice a day.

You must drink hot liquids such as soups and herbal teas throughout the day. Eat steamed vegetables with little or no spice in them.

You must gargle with warm water and some table salt at least thrice a day as it will ease your sore throat.
You must drink a cup of warm water boiled with ginger powder and honey before going to bed to mitigate the common cold.
You must drink warm water boiled with jaggery and black pepper; it relieves the phlegm build-up in the respiratory tract.
You must apply eucalyptus oil on your forehead, chest, and nostrils before going to bed. Wrap yourself in a warm blanket; this will make you sweat profusely and reduce the symptoms of cold.
You must drink warm milk with a spoon of garlic paste in it. This acts as an efficient antioxidant and protection against cold.
You must have ginger extracts several times a day as it is beneficial in treating coughs.
You may chew holy basil leaves or boil it in water; it helps to treat common cold conditions.
You must apply a paste made by grinding bishop?s weed and adding the juice of an onion to it.

Do it twice a day and your body will soon revive its strength.
You must eat 4-5 dates everyday followed by drinking a glassful of water; it helps in dissolving the phlegm and decongesting your chest.
You are advised to drink a glass of warm milk with roasted asafetida added to it twice a day for treating common cold.
You are recommended to take a hot water bath as it relieves nasal and chest congestion.

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