Sunday, April 1, 2012

Top Ten Local Multiplayer Console Games ... - The Gamer Access

Top Ten Local Multiplayer Console Games

The internet has done a lot of great things for gaming. From starting the MMO genre to making it so games like Call of Duty could be played with your friends no matter how far away they may be, but sometimes the best multiplayer experiences are when you and up to 8 friends are huddled around the TV eating pizza and passing controllers, microphones, instruments, or fight sticks around. So I decided to countdown the top ten best local multiplayer console games (PC and Online will receive a list later). Read more to see what made the cut ;)

10. Mario Party 2: The reason Mario party is such a great game is yes you are all trying to win, but at times the game pairs you in teams and this makes it so one minute the person you are playing with is your partner and the next minute you are doing everything you can to destroy them. Not only that, but the wide selection of mini games and randomness of the game boards just make this one a blast.

9. Mortal Kombat: Mortal Kombat may not be the most advanced tournament fighter, but what it does well is being easy to pick up and play. It also has characters anyone can enjoy along with the immense amount of violence making this a blast to play with friends.

8. GoldenEye 007: One game that anyone who had an N64 played with their friends was Goldeneye 64. Just hours of competitive play or co-op playing through what many consider to be the first great console shooter. The only downside is one of your friends is always going to be cheap and play as Oddjob.

7. Dance Central 2: While the Kinect has not been the greatest tool for hardcore gaming; it has opened the door for casual gamers. One game that almost everyone has enjoyed is Dance Central 2. I brought this game to a friend?s birthday party and it was a hit, people were constantly in dance battles the entire night. What makes Dance Central 2 a great multiplayer game is it's not just fun to play; it is entertaining to watch and has a small learning curve.

6. Madden: You know watching a close football game is always great. What is even better is playing one against one of your friends. Seriously nothing is better then getting a big play and rubbing it in and nothing is worse then when it happens to you and that is what makes Madden such a great local multiplayer game. For those that aren't competitive, there is also the team play mode.

5. Singstar PS3: This one may be hard to get your friends involved, but once they are in this game, it is a blast. The 4 vs. 4 ?Pass the Mic? mode is a riot. What is even better in this mode is that song selection is random. The game also captures video of you singing so you could get a song like ?Eye of the Tiger? or end up singing Brittany Spears. Singstar has created some of the most hilarious, memorable, and down right awesome local multiplayer moments I have ever had and that is why it is on the list.

4. Halo Combat Evolved: Two words, LAN Parties. The original Halo picked up where Goldeneye and Perfect Dark left off when it came to console split-screen and CO-OP, but what made it truly great is when you and your buddies had 2-4 Xbox?s, hooked them together, and played CTF on Blood Gulch for hours on end.

3. Rock Band 3: While Rock Band 1 and 2 were both amazing party games, the thing that sets Rock Band 3 apart is the amount of players and music. You have three singers, one guitarist, one bassist, one drummer, and one person on keyboard and when you all are jamming together doing well, it is just magic. It really creates a sense of immersion when the music is blaring and all your friends are playing. It makes you feel like you are in a real rock band. What helped the game was the fact it had it's own soundtrack plus the songs from 1, 2, Lego, Green Day so you had music for anyone to enjoy. Also, this game had a no fail mode and pick up along with a pick up and play at any time mode making it the most party friendly.

2. Super Smash Bros Brawl: The Smash Bros franchise since it's release in 1999 was always a great hit for multiplayer, and Melee added on to that, but Brawl perfected it. The thing that makes Brawl fun is just chaos. Fighting it out as some of the most memorable characters in gaming, using insane items, on crazy moving stages. Then you factor in all the additional modes from making everyone a giant to making everyone invisible. It isn't just the wild fun chaotic gameplay or roster of characters that makes Brawl great, the fact that it is super easy to pick up is crucial. No complicated combos, just regular attacks, special attacks, and jumping assuring anyone can enjoy.

1. Mario Kart Double Dash: There is no denying the Mario Kart franchise is an amazing multiplayer experience, but Double Dash is the best in franchise. First off, it is the only one that has LAN support (if you are one of the 5 people who bought the GameCube online adapter). What made it such a great local multiplayer game was the different variety in characters that all controlled differently and had different items. It is just pure madness as one person is playing as Mario launching fireballs, while another person is playing as Baby Luigi being pulled ahead by a chain chomp. Also, there was CO-OP, which was a blast yelling at your teammate telling him to switch so you can throw your item or just because you know you are the better driver. Mario Kart Double Dash has everything a great local multiplayer needs: chaos, it?s easy to pick up and play, CO-OP modes, competitive modes, and everyone can pick up and instantly be competitive.



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